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Music | The deadline

04:02AM CEST | 09/04/2024

Sooo, I thought it would be a good idea to give myself a deadline for my album release, though it's like 70% done. The goal is to have all songs ready at the end of September. I've made this decision, because I started some of the songs I wanna include in it a literal year ago, some are even older. I just feel like I'm stuck on these few songs and that doesn't move me anywhere. To be honest I'm scared. I was always against pushing myself into things, because whenever I pushed myself, it ended up sucking real bad. It is necessary, I'm still confident and full of ideas, so I gotta use the opportunity to finally finish what I started. Most of things I start never see the light of day and I want to change that. This is just the first step.
I do have 7 songs of varying completion, but I was afraid that I won't have enough for it to be an album. So I calculated all the durations and... well... 15 minutes. That's hardly even an EP! So I searched around for fitting concepts I made and found a great candidate. Worked on it for a bit and ended up (so far) with 3 more minutes! I've calculated the durations again to see how much exactly I'm closer to turning it into an album aaand... 24 minutes... WAIT WHAT!? So it turn out, even tho I used a calculator, I suck at math, BIG TIME. Still probably not considered an album, but sooo close! I'm expecting the final duration to be around 26 minutes, so let's see what this month brings...

Life | First few days in my own flat

04:57AM CEST | 09/03/2024

In these few days the owner kept checking on me. Of course, it was because he need to do some things on the flat. Easy things... that I could do... if he just asked me to. Like clear the shower drain. The flat I'm in is a student's flat, though I'm not a student anymore (I took the first chance I got just so I could escape). In fact, I've been working for nearly three years now! And, get this, he told ME to organize MY FLAT, cuz he's allergic to chaos and disorder. To put this into perspective, I have 3 years worth of stuff (clothes, electronics, cool stuff etc.) and he expects me to oraganize all this in 3 days, in 30°C heat (that's a lot of 3s). First of all, that attacks my privacy, second of all, it's not his concern how I organize my flat, third of all, it's not a thing that's mentioned in the documents soooo, womp womp.
Then he had the audacity to show me the flat beside mine where there are two students and how organized and clean the flat looks. Let me emphasize, two students, that have their personal stuff (that they don't need for studying) at their parents home (also breaking one of the rules mentioned in the document to not enter ones flat without their permission). Meanwhile me, a working person (as in having a job, my person brokey), that collected 3 years of stuff, that they have to take with them and cannot stash it anywhere else. The absolute funkin audacity to compare ME, independant job haver, with students that just moved out of their parent's basement. I'm considering searching for any other option, but either I work this out with him, or I'm gonna be moving that 3 years worth of stuff again soon.

Life | About myself

11:26PM CEST | 08/31/2024

I guess I should at least introduce myself. I'm Amelie, but call me Amy. I also go by Amy Paw, AmyPawXD, Mphasie, Rock Baby and Fluff. I'm a starting out furry, musician, lyricist, gamer, video editor and IT graduate. I'm also an introvert, dun dun DUUNN!!!
I have recently moved into my own flat. Before, I lived in with my roommate and, let's just say, we were total oposites. She wanted action, was loud and cheeky and constantly had calls. It was a total chaos! But she's a good friend, so I endured. For me that values peace and quiet, and most of all privacy, and all the things that were happening for the past few years, the stress kept rising until I couldn't handle it anymore and had to move out. Today is the first day I spent peacefuly in 3 years.

General | The beginning of the blog

11:07PM CEST | 08/31/2024

Hi! If you're here, then you're curious what I have to offer. Sadly this is just a test so I can style this page. So far I've been enjoying this site. It has soooo many amazing things to offer and you all that post here are amazing! Let's make the internet great again!!!